WSET Qualifications changes for 2018 and 2019
The above video explains the changes within WSET next year. The highlights are:
LVL3 Spirits releases in 2019
LVL 2 Wine & Spirits becomes LVL 2 Wine with already released LVL 2 Spirits.
Diploma Wine & Spirits becomes Diploma Wine
In addition to what is shown here for 2019, there are changes taking place in 2018 as well.
- The WSET Service qualification has been removed
- WSET LVL 1 Wine and LVL 1 Spirits will have online options
- WSET LVL 1 is being rewritten and updated
- WSET LVL 2 Spirits was also rewritten this year
We are anxiously awaiting the schedule for all online classes for the 2018-2019 school year. As soon as dates are released we will post them!